By Joseph Harold

Chapter 14
Gnobbit and Finn - Wednesday, July 11th to Saturday, July 21st

The morning dawned, promising one of those hazy, hot and humid days. The Party was packed and ready to go before the sun had crept over the mountain to their east. They left the farmstead and walked back to the trail. 

They once again looked through the hiker boxes that sat in the old schoolhouse. Each hiker finding something that they were ok with carrying. Gnobbit found a six-pack of coke in the one corner. Each hiker accepted a warm can of sweet energy to carry up the next mountain or two and enjoy after they were back in the woods. 

They carefully crossed the road and moved quickly up the open field that led back into the woods. Soon they were back under the morning shade of the trees and moving more comfortably.

After a couple miles, they came to another road. Just beyond this road was Interstate 81. They could hear intermittent traffic on the large highway, but this road appeared vacant. 

They crouched in the high bushes about a hundred meters from the road and Gnobbit and Finn did their thing. 

When they reported back Gnobbit said, “There are a couple of gas stations, an old motel and a restaurant called The Barn. The trail follows this road for a while, then another that goes under the Interstate. It’s pretty exposed, so we need to be careful.”

The Party carefully continued on. They didn’t follow the road in the open, but stayed at the forest’s edge keeping a buffer of high bushed between them and the road. As they approached the large red building called The Barn, they heard a vehicle coming down the highway. The sound changed as it slowed to exit the highway.

The land rose where they were walking to meet the parking lot for the restaurant and they huddled here, listening to the vehicle approach. Finn crawled up to the edge of the berm and peered out between two bushes. 

The Humvee exited the highway and turned towards the road they were following. The crackle of gravel under the vehicle’s tires announced that it was pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant. It parked in front of a low flight of wooden steps and a uniformed man got out and walked into the building.

Finn came back to the huddled party and relayed what he had seen. “He is alone,” he added. As they sat there a loud, long scream came from the restaurant and then some yelling that was indecipherable. 

“We need to help,” Class Room said. A worried look in her eyes. “That asshole is the cause of that scream, I’ll bet.” 

The Party quickly moved up the berm and across the parking lot. There were large windows all around the building, and the lot was large and open, so the thought of sneaking towards the restaurant was abandoned and they resorted to a fast charge to get inside. 

Fic was in front with the shotgun and Finn was right behind him. Rodent Whisperer was next with the rifle and the two staff wielders followed next. Class Room came last. No weapon in her hand, but a determined look on her face. 

They burst into the dining area and across some tables, near the kitchen door, the uniformed man stood over a young, slender brunette woman. The source of the scream. 

The man was turned away from the others and was so intent on trying to get this woman’s panties down, that he didn’t hear them come clamoring in. She did see them and a look that pleaded for help gave the man a clue that something was happening behind him. 

He turned his head to his right to see Fic’s shotgun leveled at his head. He had a knife in his hand which is what he was using to convince this young girl his intentions were bad, but had a pistol holstered in his now loose belt. A look of surprise was painted on his face. 

“Get the fuck away from that woman,” Fic ordered. Of course, the man did not obey.

The uniformed man with the loose belt, grabbed the woman and put his arm around her neck. Pulling her close and moving the knife to her neck. “Fuck you,” he replied. 

“You seriously want to do this?” Fic asked the man. “You are not going to get away. You are going to pay for this. One way or the other. I promise you, that any harm you bring to that woman will be inflicted on you ten-fold. Don’t be stupid.”

As the man stood there looking at the weapons pointed at him, recognition came into his face. The transition of his face was a sight to see. It went from determined, to surprised, to determined again, but Fic thought he also saw some fear in there too. 

“You are that Party we been looking for,” he said. Moving his gaze down to his holster where his weapon sat encased. He had run out of hands to draw weapons with, and we watched as several ideas played out in his head. 

As the Mexican standoff continued, the kitchen door behind the man slowly and silently started to open. A stick of brown wood, about four foot long, came whirling out of the kitchen and bounced off the guy's head. He moved away stunned, releasing the woman, who ran towards Fic and his crew. Not expecting someone to flank him. Out came Gnobbit, ready to swing her staff again. Behind her rushed out Class Room a cast-iron skillet in her hand. She wound up with all of her strength and swung the pan around. Connecting squarely with the man’s face. Down he went. The knife clattering to the ground. 

Class Room approached the man and removed the pistol from its holster. Placing it in the small of her back. She had an angry, wrathful look on her face. You could tell she was thinking of using the skillet one more time for good measure but refrained when she saw that the guy was out cold and wouldn’t be sticking his dick anywhere for a while. 

Everyone looked at each other with the same thought in their eyes. What do we do now?

“Thank you so much,” the brunette said. “That creep has been coming here for a week now. He doesn’t know how to take no for an answer. If y’all hadn’t shown up.” She trailed off, shuddering at the thought of what was going to happen. 

Fic tied the man up with some rope that the woman gave him, and Rodent Whisperer checked him out quickly to determine the extent of his injuries. He was still unconscious and bleeding from a cut on his head, but he would probably be ok after his concussion heals. 

They gathered in the dining room to talk to the woman and decide their next move. 

“I’m Flo,” the woman said. “My parents own this place and we have been trying to keep the kitchen going as best we could with our generator, but we are pretty much out of food. I was just here today to do some cleaning and then I was going to close up and head home.”

“This asshole came in and realized that I was alone. You saw what was going on when you came in. I’m so thankful that you did.” She abruptly changed the subject. “Are y’all hungry? I have enough to make you some sandwiches.” 

She got up and headed to the kitchen after everyone nodded in the affirmative. The man was starting to stir, and she wound up and kicked him in the stomach. A loud groan escaped his mouth as he lay helpless. She continued walking and disappeared into the kitchen. 

She was back in a minute with rolls, lunch meat, tomatoes, lettuce and cheeses. Everyone gathered around the spread and made their own sandwiches. They were delicious. 

The Party still didn’t know what to do about the soldier that was lying on the floor in the corner. Evidently, they still hadn’t out walked the wanted poster yet because the guy had recognized them when they came in. 

The soldier started to stir again, and Fic figured it was time to have a talk with him. He walked over to the man who had moved up to a sitting position. He was looking at the group with a hostile glare. When Fic crouched down next to the man, he drew back fearfully as if Fic was going to cut his throat. “I know who you murdering scum are and you will not get away this time,” he spat out angrily.

“We haven’t killed anyone,” Fic said. “Yet,” he added with a stern look. “We are just trying to get home in this mess, and we can’t have you fucking that up.” 

“Can I have a word with you sir,” Flo asked Fic. They went into the kitchen to talk. 

“I don’t think his people know he is here. He has always been with another guy when he has come in here before. He also mentioned something about sneaking away from the base, which is the Econo Lodge in Marion about eight miles away. If he disappears, I don’t think they will know to come here to find him,” Flo explained. 

“I guess he comes with us then,” Fic decided. He went back out into the dining room and discussed his plan with the others. After some back and forth, they decided to bring him along long enough to get him far away from his Humvee and his base. If he behaves, they can release him several miles up the trail. They would use the Humvee to get past the Interstate then dump it somewhere where it won’t be found too fast. Trying to use the vehicle to get further north would be too risky. Flo had mentioned that there are lots of checkpoints on the roads where it would be too risky to get through them in a commandeered Humvee. 

They got ready to go. Getting the man on his feet, Fic said, “You are coming with us. If you are good, we will release you when we feel safe. If you give us any trouble, we will put a bullet in you and leave you for the forest animals. Understood?” The look of fear was back in the man’s face. 

They kept the man's hands tightly bound in front of him, but his feet were free. Fic tied a piece of the rope around his waist and held the other end as a sort of leash. If he tried anything, a sharp tug on the rope should bring him down. 

They all piled into the Humvee and sitting the man in the back between Rodent Whisperer and Fic. Finn drove with Gnobbit and Class Room up front. Brown Shades sat in the back cargo area with the packs. 

They said goodbye to Flo and thanked her for the food. She thanked them repeatedly for saving her and blessed them continuously. 

Finn drove the vehicle down the road that went under the Interstate. The road continued around and they followed it another mile or so until they saw the trail coming out of the woods, crossing the road and continuing along the edge of a field until it once again reentered the forest. There was a small parking lot where the trail came out of the woods. Beyond the lot the land sloped down towards a small creek. They parked the Humvee at the edge of the lot, got all of their gear, then pushed the vehicle over the edge letting it careen off of a couple trees until it came to a stop down the hill. Its camouflaged coloring helped to blend it into the forest. 

The Party continued back on the trail. Making their way back into the cover of the forest. The soldier walked slow at first, but a few nudges from Gnobbit’s staff had him keeping the pace better. “I think I will name my staff, Pain,” said Gnobbit. 

Dolor is the Latin word for pain,” Brown Shades informed her. 

“Dolores then it is,” she said, smiling. Adding her own little twist to the name. 

The Party made their way along the field, moving at a quick pace as they had become used to doing when they needed to make some miles before they sleep. 

Bringing this guy along had just complicated their trek to a great degree. Fic just hoped it wasn’t a bad decision to do so. 

The rest of the day’s hike went as usual. The trail moved through forest and field, with cows doing their cow things in some of them. The climbs weren’t long or steep and in the afternoon; they arrived at the Knot Maul Branch Shelter. The thick rhododendron hid the shelter until the last thirty feet. It was a typical shelter with only one level and room for about eight sleepers. Someone had written Darth on top of the word Knot in Sharpie. May the force be with them. 

The prisoner, whose name was Tucker as evidenced by the name tape on his camo uniform had been well behaved through the day’s hike. He kept silent as they walked along and showed no signs of any heroic plans being cooked up in his head. 

“You’ll sleep against that back wall. We don’t have any pads or bag for you, but being a soldier, I’m sure you can tough it out,” Fic directed the man. Tucker nodded his head and moved to the back of the shelter. The rest of the ground sleepers put their sleeping pads with their heads facing out of the shelter, effectively blocking the man in. If he tried to get by the sleeping hikers, he risked the chance of waking the others. Fic also tied his legs for the night. 

“What about if I gotta piss?” Tucker asked. 

“Just let me know and we will handle it. Together,” Fic answered. 

The hangers put their hammocks next to the shelter on some good trees. The Party sat down to make their dinners. They gave Tucker a bit of their food. He had to walk too, so he needed at least some energy. Keeping him a bit hungry and slightly weak was insurance against escape attempts though, so he only was given the smallest ration. 

Night came, Yuk played in the approaching darkness and two hikers stood the watch when everyone turned in. One would keep their eyes out into the forest and the other would watch Tucker. They were still too close to Marion to let him go. 

Class Room mostly ignored the man. When she did point her attention in his direction, a hate-filled scowl would cross her face. She did not like this man or what he had attempted to do. If they hadn’t come when they did, who knows if Flo would even be alive still. She had kept the man's pistol. Tucked into her pants all day long and now under her sleeping pad near her head. She was starting to like the fact that she had a weapon now and was doing ok carrying it. The shock and dread she had felt when she had shot the soldier back at Boots Off had faded to a dull feeling that she had come to terms with. If she was faced with another situation where she had to protect her Tramily, she was mostly sure that she would be able to do it now without hesitation. The hate she was feeling for this scum was making it easier. What he had tried to do to Flo, had broken her reluctance to carry a weapon. The anger she felt when she imagined not getting to Flo’s rescue in time boiled within her. 

The night passed uneventfully, and Tucker behaved himself. In the morning, Fic took him along on his leash and let him into the privy while he stood watch outside with the door ajar a small amount. 

After a scant breakfast, The Party plus one packed up and started walking again. The day was once again routine. After some early ups and downs they started a long, slow climb. The forest became field, and they could see far below from the ridge top. The view was interesting. From their vantage point, they could see a huge bowl formed by a circle of mountains to their northeast. “That’s called the God’s Thumbprint,” Brown Shades informed them. “Created by the collapse of massive underground limestone caverns long ago. Inside is the highest mountain valley in the state of Virginia. It is very fertile farmland.” 

Around lunchtime they came to a stone shelter sitting at the top of the open ridge. The shelter was a long rectangle. There was a door at one end and windows along the walls. It wasn’t the typical shelter as it had four walls. A table and some wooden bunk beds filled the insides. 

They ate lunch then moved on. As they walked along, Tucker in front with his leash in Fic’s hand, Fic tried to talk to him. He asked him about his background and how he ended up as part of the rogue army, literally raping and pillaging the countryside. Tucker wouldn’t talk at first, but after a couple of hours he started sharing some information. What he said gave Fic a little more information about what was going on. 

“I was a reservist, doing my time at the Virginia National Guard Armory down in Gate City,” Tucker began. “I was living in Abingdon and working as a clerk in a hunting store when I wasn’t drilling. I have been following and supporting Richard Flaherty for a long time now. He is a pretty smart guy and he knows how to get power. When the shit went down, I took the initiative and seized a bunch of weapons. I was able to contact some of his people and joined up when I found a nearby outfit. I was rewarded with a promotion and was living in the Econo Lodge in Marion where we have set up.” He seemed proud of his accomplishments. 

Fic asked him a few more questions but grew weary of his arrogant attitude. He decided he preferred a quiet prisoner. 

The end of the day found them at Jenkins Shelter. The trail had steadily moved off the ridge during the last part of the day and the shelter was next to a nice stream at the bottom of the valley. 

The shelter was a replica of yesterday’s shelter and they set up the same as the night before. After another routine night with a compliant prisoner, they were once again hiking north the next morning. 

Fic had discretely discussed the next steps of dealing with Tucker with the others. They decided that he would be released today after they had walked to a remote area away from roads. 

The morning started out with a climb back up onto a ridge. Once they were up on the ridge and moving along. Fic stopped and faced Tucker. The soldier was a sorry sight. The long days of hiking and the scant food he was given had taken the desired toll. 

Fic untied his hands and removed the rope from his waist. “You’re free,” he said. “If I ever see you again, that bullet will find you.” 

The man stared at Fic for a good ten seconds before he realized that he was no longer tied to the man. He looked around and Fic pointed to the way they had just come. “That way,” he ordered.

The man started walking. As he passed Class Room who was at the end of the line, he looked at her and smacked his lips in a kissing gesture. “I’ll see ya later, honey,” he said slyly. She was the only one who heard it. 

Her look became steel, and she touched the butt of the pistol in her waistband. “You better hope not,” she replied. Daggers shot out of her eyes and into the back of the departing soldier. After a few seconds, he started to jog, then run until he had moved below the ridgeline and out of sight. 

“I sure hope that is the last we see of him,” Fic said, before turning and walking north away from where Tucker had been lost from sight. 

They felt a need to move fast and go far today. Fic kept telling himself that releasing the soldier had been a good idea. We didn’t have to guard him. We didn’t have to feed him. He seemed to be ambivalent to the whole Regime situation. After telling Fic how great Flaherty was, he changed his tune with a new story. Telling Fic that he was just swept up in the wave of rebellion when the army went rogue. Going with the flow to stay alive. He had seen what was happening to those that resisted the takeover. If you weren’t with them, you were against them, and a bullet was your prize. No matter which story was true, Fic had developed a strong dislike for Tucker. He hoped the guy was heading back to his unit but was going to take a couple days to get there. And not going to try to come after him and The Party. 

Their one challenge of the day was coming out of the woods near Interstate 77 and having to walk over it this time instead of under. When they first came to the road, they passed a small store that sat at a bend in the road. It had been burned to the ground. Nothing was left but a black, ash filled square next to the road. They moved fast to get over the highway and back to the cover of the woods. Nothing moved on that road as they quickly walked across the bridge. 

They arrived at Jenny Knob Shelter in the late afternoon. Everyone felt worn out from the twenty-three plus miles. They made a small fire to soak in the power of the flames and ate their dinners in silence. Gnobbit and Finn were talking about their college classes. Comparing what they were taking and what they wanted to take, if there was ever another semester to go back to. Gnobbit decided to set up her tent near Finn’s hammock out beside the shelter. 

Darkness came, and the hikers retired to their sleeping pads and hammocks. 

It was about 2 am. Class Room lay in her sleeping bag staring up at the roof of the shelter. She had to pee. She pushed the bag back and crawled out to the edge of the shelter. She slipped on her shoes grabbed her headlamp, what she called her piss kit and the pistol, then headed towards an area past the privy. She nodded to Brown Shades, who was on watch as she passed him sitting at the table. 

She pulled out her pee style from her piss kit and pissed standing up, letting it flow. Finished she turned to head back to the shelter. A hand came out of the darkness and pressed against her mouth. Another wrapped around her waist and started moving her into the woods. “I told you I would see you again, bitch.” A voice said in the darkness. 

Class Rooms red head lamp fell off her forehead to the ground. Her arms were pinned to her sides and couldn’t move. Fear wasn’t rising in her gut. Anger was. Tucker had followed them, was all she could think of. 

The man shifted his arm to get a better grip, but that was enough for her to get one hand free, she reached behind her to the pistol in her waistband and drew the weapon. She raised her arm up with the pistol, placed the muzzle of the pistol up against the mans jaw, and pulled the trigger. The blast spattered blood against the side of her face and hair, and the man released his hold on her mouth and waist. He fell to the ground without a sound. She turned and put two more bullets into his body, not caring that he was already dead. She stood there pointing the weapon at the dead man, dressed in a camo uniform.

Brown Shades came running over with his headlamp on white and the shotgun at the ready. He shined the light on the prone man. You could read the nametape Tucker on his shirt. 

The rest of the group came running over, head lamps shooting beams all around. Fic came slowly up to Class Room and reached his hand up to cover the pistol still aimed at the dead man. “Nice shot,” he said. “I’ll take your weapon if that’s ok,” he said softly. She let him take it with a sigh. She didn’t look freaked out. She looked mad and determined. She looked fierce. 

“That fucker tried to take me,” she said. “He had whispered to me as he left, that he would see me again. I guess he followed us all day. Waiting for his chance. My damn bladder almost did me in. Luckily, I take Kevin with me everywhere now.”

“Kevin?” Fic asked. 

She pointed to the pistol. “Kevin,” she said. I named him after my big brother. He was always my protection growing up. He died last year. His essence is now in this pistol, protecting me still. 

“Works for me,” Fic said. “May he continue to protect you young lady. You have come a long way.” 

They all went back to their beds. Leaving Tucker lying dead in the woods behind the privy. They would deal with him in the daylight. 

Gnobbit told Finn that she didn’t want to be in her tent alone and he happily climbed in with her. Class Room told Brown Shades she would relieve him now. She wouldn’t be able to sleep much the rest of the night. The adrenaline was still flowing through her body and would be for some time. 

“I’ll keep you company,” Fic said. “I’m pretty jazzed up too.” 

The camp grew quiet. Fic threw a couple small logs on the fire coals and in a few minutes, small flames started licking up and making the shadows nearby dance and flicker. 

Fic had warned him not to come back. He paid the price for not listening. 

Morning came, and the hikers arose to meet the day. Fic sat at the table drinking a cup of instant coffee. Gnobbit’s tent zipped open, and Finn unfolded himself from the small two-person tent. Gnobbit came out next. Her spiky hair looked a little more spiky this morning. 

The couple approached the table. They were holding hands. Fic said nothing. A slight smile on his lips. Trail love. Our situation was dire, but the pull of love was still strong on the trail. 

Fic was in no hurry to deal with Tucker. He had threatened to leave him for the forest animals when he had first become their prisoner, but he was rethinking that promise. They didn’t have a shovel, but some sort of preparation needed to be done to his body. More of a sanitary reason than a compassionate one. He didn’t give a fuck about Tucker. The man had been let go, warned to not come back, but he had still come back. He got what he deserved. For Flo and for what he was planning to do with Class Room. The world was a better place without him. 

After breakfast, they moved Tucker’s body further back behind the privy and a little down a hillside. The area didn’t appear to be used by the hikers much. There was a good supply of rocks at the bottom of the hill in a small gully, so they moved him down there and piled the rocks on him to form one of those graves you always see on old westerns. It may keep the critters off, but Fic didn’t really care. Once this current world condition resolves itself, then he can think about retrieving the body. Thinking of this reminded him that LT Pierce and Corporal McAfee were still in their graves up on a mountain in Georgia. Who knows the status of his other men from the squad? All that seemed like a thousand years ago already. So much had happened on this one week training exercise that had grown to more than a month. It was much worse than the three-hour tour. This was true survival. Not something you can simulate in the woods over a few days. Him and the other members of The Party were pretty good at it. 

They packed up and once again continued along the great Appalachian Trail. Pearisburg was now within two days’ walk from here. Hopefully, they would be able to find Gnobbit’s family when they got there. 

“Where do you live in Pearisburg?” Fic asked Gnobbit as they walked along the trail. Slowly climbing up the next ridge. 

“My Mom’s house is on the southwest corner of town. About three or four blocks from Main Street. We will be able to get to it from Cross Avenue, which the trail crosses. It will be most of a mile to her house from the trail on the road.” 

During the day, they came to a sign that announced the Dismal Falls only .3 of a mile down a side trail. After a short discussion, they decided to go check out the falls. The day was warm and everyone was thinking that washing their clothes on their bodies along with their bodies might be a good and refreshing idea. They had felt a small sense of relief when they left Jenny Knob Shelter and Tucker’s body. At least they knew that Tucker or his men weren’t actively chasing them now, but they also realized that the wanted poster was a little more accurate now. 

They walked down the trail and could hear the falls. The roar of the cascade grew louder and louder as they approached. They passed through a small grove of white pine and came to the creek. The water swirled around large rocks and tumbled down the steep sides of the falls. The Party dropped their packs and found a nice pool of water about three feet deep. They all refreshed themselves for the next hour or so, then wrung out the water, put their shoes back on and continued on. 

They arrived at Wapiti Shelter in the early afternoon and decided to call it a day. The next shelter was another ten miles or so and they were still only a day’s hike from Pearisburg. They would be able to get to Gnobbit’s house by tomorrow afternoon. 

They set up in and around the shelter once again. Gnobbit set up her tent again next to the shelter and Finn didn’t even bother to hang his hammock. They would be sharing sleeping space again tonight. 

Rodent Whisperer started gathering wood and the others joined in. They got a nice fire going, and all sat around, nibbling on a snack or staring into the flames. Yuk was out and Class Room was once again restoring their strength and stamina with her soft, comforting music. 

The next morning was foggy and misty. The visibility was only about fifty meters or so and the air had taken on a cool, clammy feel. The Party packed up and started walking. 

They had been walking for a few hours and stopped for a break at a clearing next to the trail that had some nice fallen trees to sit on. They were the perfect height and there was room for everyone. Brown Shades felt something wriggling in his hair and pulled a small inch worm off of his head. He looked at it and mumbled some Latin name to himself then he tossed it into the woods next to the trees. 

Next Fic saw something dangling from the brim of his hat. He took off the hat and there were three of the little critters attached to it. After that, each of the hikers found a few of the harmless but creepy larva on their person. Either in their hair, or on their pack. Rodent Whisperer even picked several off of his kilt where they had hitch-hiked a ride. 

As they continued on, they kept seeing more and more hanging from the trees on slender invisible silk threads. They were everywhere. If you stopped walking, you could hear them eating the leaves all around you. Soon they all noticed little brown and green dots of a liquid like substance. “That’s their shit,” was all Brown Shades had said about it. They continued on. Feeling a little creeped out and disgusted, but their destination was on the other side of this infestation. 

Eventually the inchworm invasion subsided. Their numbers grew less and less until they had walked out of their zone. They all spent about fifteen minutes picking the critters off of their clothes, pack and bodies until they couldn’t see any more. They were all pretty sure that they would keep finding some hidden somewhere for the next few days. 

They saw a sign for Angel’s Rest Rock, next to a small trail that led to the edge of a cliff. Gnobbit convinced them all to come out and have a look. The sun had burned off the mist and fog and visibility was several dozen miles. Far down in the valley they could see a river snaking its way along. Next to that was the small town of Pearisburg, Virginia. "See that large parking lot in the middle?” Gnobbit asked. “Follow the road on the right. That goes right to my house. I think I can make it out, just barely. 

They returned to the trail and started to head down. Losing elevation as the trail approached the road that led to town. They reached the road and checked the area for soldiers. It seemed all clear. 

They started carefully and quickly heading down the road. It continued downhill and was not straight. They stuck close to the edge, ready to retreat into the woods if they heard anything coming. They arrived safely at a street named Dennis, following Gnobbit as she turned and continued down that street. They followed that street to its end. They could see people walking near Main street, but they paid them no mind or didn’t see them. The last house on the street was Gnobbit’s. It was a small two-story house with a large yard. Blue shutters framed windows on the front and the siding was painted a dull yellow. 

Gnobbit dropped her pack and ran to the front door. She opened the screen door and tried to open the door behind it. It was locked. She knocked a few times. When no one came to the door, she looked over at a potted plant hanging on the porch. She went over and picked a rock that was in the pot with the flowers. It wasn’t actually a rock, but a key safe. She retrieved the key and opened the door. 

Gnobbit entered the house, calling out to her mother and brother. No one answered. 

The rest of The Party came into the house and dropped their packs. Finn had carried Gnobbit’s gear inside. 

Gnobbit had searched the house. “They're not here now, but it looks like they had been here not too long ago. There are recently dirtied dishes in the sink and the coffee pot still had some cold coffee in it. Maybe they went into town for something.” Gnobbit speculated to the others. 

They all dropped their gear and relaxed in the living room. The first thing they noticed was that the town had electricity. Gnobbit opened the refrigerator, and the light came on showing an almost empty box. There was some juice and condiments. A few eggs and a couple containers that looked like they had leftovers. Some veggies in the drawer and that was about it. 

When darkness arrived, they decided to send out a scout team to see what was up. Gnobbit led the way with Finn and Fic behind her. They only brought Kevin the handgun, because they didn’t want to draw attention with a shotgun or rifle. 

They slowly walked down towards Main Street. When they reached the business center of the town, they turned right and walked down the sidewalk. They passed a closed gas station which was across the street and a block later a Post Office that had suffered an extensive fire. It wasn’t burned to the ground, but they were pretty sure no mail was flowing through that building. 

When they reached the Rite Aid, also closed, they crossed the street and headed back the way they had come. They could see a few people walking around, but Gnobbit didn’t recognize anyone, and the people seemed to be avoiding them. 

They got back to where they had started and decided to check out the Food Lion and other shops in the large parking lot. As they were walking down the long grassy area before the asphalt lot, they heard a vehicle coming down the road. They moved behind a small storage trailer that was parked at the back of the lot and watched the Humvee drive slowly down the street. It didn’t slow or turn to where they were. It just continued down the street on a slow patrol. 

They quickly crossed the parking lot and went to look inside the windows of the grocery store. It was closed of course. They were walking along the front when a young woman came out of the store next to the Food Lion. She started when she saw them, almost turning back into the store she had just exited. “Susan,” Gnobbit said excitedly. “It’s me Carly.”

“Carly? Oh my gosh it is you. How are you? Did you just get into town? Have you seen your mother? She is so worried about you.” Susan said very quickly, not waiting for any answers. She held Gnobbit’s hand in hers moving it up and down with each question. 

Gnobbit gave her a quick version of where she had been and how she got here, then asked, “Where is my mother? I was at the house, and no one was there. Not her, not Billy. No one.” 

“They may be on a work party. The army are in control here and they treat us like shit, making us work for them and other things.” Susan explained. “You guys need to be careful. There is a curfew. I was trying to get home myself; I lost track of time.” 

They all quickly made their way back to the house. Susan lived a block away in a small house also on the corner. She lived alone. “I’ve got some food I can bring over tomorrow morning. I’ll see you then. Stay low and don’t let the army see you.”

“Thanks Susan,” Gnobbit said. “We really appreciate it.”

The three scouts headed back to the house and told the others what they had found out. They ate a meager meal and settled on the couches and floor. Finn and Gnobbit went up to her room for the night. They had become inseparable. 

Fic was in another cabin again. Dressed in his warrior clothes once more. This was a different cabin. Large and roomy, with a warm glow that spread to every corner. A large fire was burning in the huge stone fireplace and candles were lit in scones all around the main room of the cabin. A large, wooden table occupied the center of the room and sitting all around it were Fic’s friends and companions. At the head of the table sat Gnobbit. She wasn’t wearing her usual black, rough clothing, but had on a fine felt jacket that was still black but trimmed in gold thread. A small tiara sat on her head, blending well with her short hair above her pointed ears. Beside her sat the noble elf, Finn. His green clothes also looked a grade above the usual tanned and dyed leather he wore in Fic’s last dream. Even though in that dream he didn’t know the elf’s name. He too wore a small crown of golden woven vines with silver leaves spaced evenly throughout. Smiles were pasted on each of their faces. 

The table was full of food. A wonderful feast had been prepared. A celebration was taking place. Along the sides of the table, the rest of The Party were seated. Next to Finn, sat Rodent Whisperer, the mighty dwarf. His bushy beard held bits and pieces of food. He was happily devouring a huge turkey leg, that had been pulled off the very large turkey that dominated the laid out food. Next to Gnobbit, sat Class Room. Her lute in her hands, softly strumming a pleasant tune that made everyone feel content. 

Brown Shades sat next to Rodent Whisperer, sipping a very large mug of what appeared to be a dark beer or ale. He raised his flagon towards the head of the table and shouted, “Huzzah, to the happy couple. May your days together always be a delight.” He chugged the beverage and let out a loud burp. The others clapped their approval. 

An empty chair sat next to Class Room and Fic came around and sat there. Reaching for a large roll and buttering it with the cool crock of butter that sat on the table. He took a bite and felt as if he had gone to heaven. The roll was still warm, and the butter had a richness he hadn’t tasted in a long time. 

The feast seemed to last a long time in his dream. Each of the others stood and made a speech. All devoted to their admiration of both Gnobbit and Finn. When it was Fic’s turn, he stood and didn’t know what to say. He stood staring at the two at the head of the table. No words came. 

Gnobbit rose and came to where Fic was standing. She reached up, placing both hands on the side of his head and pulled him towards her. She gave him a long kiss on his cheek and whispered, “Thank you for getting me home. I don’t think I would have made it without you. Also, thank you for bringing me Finn.” She winked and kissed him again. Turning, she returned to her seat at the head of the table. 

Just then, a dog came padding out from the darkened room that was off to the left in the cabin. Fic looked closely at the canine and noticed it wasn’t a dog at all, but a fox. 

The scene faded and Fic turned in his sleep. He didn’t wake up but fell into a deeper sleep until morning came to the sleeping companions. 

An interesting, dreamy night was followed by a gray morning. Rain was once again in the forecast. The hikers arose from their sleeping spaces and started an unfamiliar morning routine. Being inside, with electricity and running water had become foreign to them. 

“I had the strangest dream last night,” said Rodent Whisperer. “I was a dwarf, and we were at a celebration of the happy couple here.”

Fic stared at him for several seconds and suddenly Brown Shades said, “I think I had the same dream.” 

Fic shifted his gaze to Brown Shades, when Gnobbit, Finn and Class Room all chimed in at the same time that they too had a very similar dream. Finally, Fic too admitted that he had a number of dreams in which they were all fantasy characters and it seemed that the dreams had a way of foreseeing the future. 

They spent the next thirty minutes talking about the dreams that they all had over the last several weeks and how they all seemed to be the same dream, although with minor differences for each person. “I dreamed of you two showing up,” said Brown Shades with a nod. “A warrior and a thief,” he added, winking at Gnobbit, who smiled back. 

Everyone was amazed and a little freaked out by what was happening. Were they psychically connected somehow? No one could explain how this was happening. 

Shortly before seven, a soft knock on the door found Susan. She was carrying a large tray covered with a towel. They let her in and she set the tray on the kitchen table. When she removed the cloth, they saw quite a breakfast spread before them. Eggs, pancakes, sausage, juice, toast, the works. “I have a pretty extensive pantry. The fresh eggs come from the Libby’s place. They still have a bunch of chickens,” she said to Gnobbit, who nodded in understanding. 

“Thank you so much. Are you sure you can spare all this?” Gnobbit asked. 

“I have a lot,” she responded. 

The Party sat around the large kitchen table and ate the wonderful meal. An echo of the shared dream. As they ate, Susan told them about what had happened here in Pearisburg when the war came and went. 

“Basically, the power had gone out on June 6th along with all communications and two days later, a long line of military vehicles had entered the town and basically took over. They said they were here to help with the transition to the new leadership of The Regime, led by Richard Flaherty, the Boss, and we were now under their protection. By protection they meant they could harass us and order us around and for some, it meant a bullet in the brain.” 

“We quickly realized that resistance was futile. At least for now. About two weeks later, when we were now under the thumb of Colonel Branson and his goons, we started hearing about The Resistance. Some of us have been helping when we can, but we have to be careful.”

“The army have settled into a routine and think they have us pacified. They turned on the electricity, but there are still no communications in or out and no TV. Blake Speers had a ham radio set up in his basement that hasn’t been found yet. He had to move the antenna into the woods and put it up in a tree to avoid discovery. We have been in contact with Resistance fighters.”

“Your Mother and Brother have been working over at the Celanese Plant across the river. I’m not sure what they are doing there, but I don’t think it is making filters for cigarettes anymore. They usually are picked up in a large truck in the morning and come back a couple days later. Tired looking and a little scared, but they don’t talk about what they had been doing. They seem like they are afraid to.”

 “It’s still dangerous to stay here. If you guys stick around, it is only a matter of time before the army notices you. And I just realized that you guys must be The Party. The soldiers were talking about you about a week ago but hadn’t said much since then. Did you really kill two soldiers?”

After assuring her that the wanted poster was a lie and explaining what had happened in Hampton, Susan seemed satisfied with their story. They left out the part about Tucker. It seemed like the prudent thing to do.

The hikers sat talking about what they should do next. It seemed that the six of them shouldn’t be seen together as a group, because that might stir some ideas that they are the badly drawn figures on the wanted poster that must have made its way here. 

“I need to find my mother and brother,” Gnobbit said. “You guys should continue on. Try to get home. I’m home now and my journey is over, for now. I would never have made it without your help.” She looked at the other members of The Party. Tears were welling in her eyes and this started a round of hugging.

“I’m staying with you,” Finn said matter-of-factly. Looking down at Gnobbit from his high height. 

She looked up into his eyes and nodded her head. “But what about your family?” She asked. 

“You’re my family now. Eventually, I may get back to see what is up, but there’s no hurry. My family, as it is, probably hadn’t noticed that I never came back from college. We aren’t really close.” 

“You are going to have to be careful,” Susan warned. “You kind of stand out here. Your height alone will make people notice you. That hair is a beacon to the others to check you out.” 

Gnobbit went into the pantry next to the kitchen and brought out several cans of food and some rice and beans. “I know this shit is heavy, but you need to re-supply. Take it all.” 

The hikers gathered all of their gear and prepared to leave. They would wait until darkness once again. The less they are seen, the better it will be. 

They spent the day inside the house. Susan left to go to work at her little store next to the Food Lion. “Stay low, be safe and good luck,” she said to the Party as she left with the tray of empty plates and bowls.

Gnobbit hugged her and closed the door behind her. She turned to the others and said, “Now we wait for dark.”

At around 1600 a large open truck came rumbling down the street. Stopping from time to time along the way until it pulled up next to Gnobbit’s house. Two figures climbed down from the back of the truck and walked to the porch. 

Gnobbit stood at the front of the group who tried to be as unthreatening as possible to avoid alarming the woman and teenage boy who came walking through the door. 

“Mom,” Gnobbit said to the woman.

“Carly!” the woman responded. She dropped her small backpack and ran to her daughter. The boy came along behind a surprised smile on his face. He saw the others standing behind his sister and a look of alarm, then one of understanding came across his face. He went to add his arms to the hug that was taking place in front of him. “How did you get here?” Her Mother said after pulling back and looking at her daughter with tears of joy in her eyes. 

“I walked,” she replied. 

When the reunion had calmed down some. Gnobbit’s mother was introduced to The Party. “This is my mom, June,” Gnobbit said. “And my brother Kip.” Hands were shook all around along with a few hugs. Kip was so happy to see his sister, that he just stood over by the table and silent tears ran down his face. “I missed you so much,” he sobbed. “I thought you were maybe dead.” 

Gnobbit reached up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Naw,” she said. “There’s no way I wasn’t gonna get home. I had a lot of help, but I would have done it alone if I had to.” 

Gnobbit sat at the kitchen table and told her family the story of her hike. The bombs she saw, meeting Fic and the others. Finally, she laid her hand on Finn’s who was sitting beside her. “Finn is thinking of staying here for a while,” she explained to her Mom. 

June smiled and put her hand on the couple’s clasped hands. “You are welcome here Finn. Is that your real name or some trail name?” She asked. 

“Well, sorta both he said. My name is Marty Findley. People have been calling me Finn pretty much my whole life. I intend to help out here wherever I can.”

“Your name is Marty?” Gnobbit asked, smiling at her new beau. 

“Yes, Carly, it is.” He smiled back. “That’s weird, but I guess I can get used to saying it. You can still just call me Finn.” 

“I’m still Gnobbit. This experience has changed me so much, I don’t feel like Carly anymore.”

After they discussed what they were planning to do, June went back into her pantry and came out with even more food, and she insisted they take it. “We can get more food around here. Take it all.” June started handing cans and boxes of food to the hikers. They each took some with grateful thanks. 

After shoving as much food as they could into their packs, they waited for the sun to set. Fic was starting to get antsy. They had relaxed most of the day, and now he was ready to get walking again. He still had many miles to go to be reunited with his family. Seeing Gnobbit returned home, made him all the more anxious to get home. 

When the street was dark enough. The four hikers stood on the porch, ready to go.

Fic walked over to Gnobbit. Smiling down at her. “I am really gonna miss you young lady.” She threw her arms around him. Hugging him tight as tears fell from her eyes. 

“Me too, Fic,” she replied. 

“When this is over, we will be back to see how you are doing,” Fic said. 

“OK. I’m gonna hold you to that.” Gnobbit said. 

Fic reached his hand out and to shake with Finn. Pulling him into a hug. “Take care, son. It was good having you along for a while. Take good care of this lady.” 

“I will. I’m really looking forward to getting to know Carly and her family.” 

After everyone said their goodbyes, they headed back down the street where they had come in and walked back to the trail. The road was empty, The forest dark. When they got back to the trail they turned right and reentered the woods. After only a mile or so, they came to a short road walk. This was the area of the factory where June and Kip had been working. They moved as fast as they could to get past the factory, which had a lot of light glowing and looked like there was a lot of activity. They got past it without attracting any attention and got back into the darkness of the woods. 

Everyone was energized by the experiences of the day and were ready to walk a few miles in the dark. There was no moon and the rain that had fallen during the day while they were inside was threatening to return. 

It was close to midnight when they walked into the Rice Field Shelter which was at the top of the ridge on the edge of a grassy field. The four hikers all set up quickly in the shelter and fell asleep quickly. 

For the next three days, the four hikers did nothing more than the normal hiker routine, They would get up in the morning, pack up, eat, walk, get to the shelter, set up, eat and go to bed. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. The road crossings were quiet and peaceful, the terrain needed to be negotiated with the hiker’s feet and nothing more. The mountains would be climbed and the next one would show itself in front of them. They continued to put one foot in front of the other.

They did 16 miles the first day and 21 the next. After the third day of another 16 miles, they found themselves at Pickle Branch Shelter. They had started to feel like this was just a regular hike. The day before, the hikers had stood in awe, looking up into the expansive limbs of the Keefer Oak. Sitting right next to the trail with a small sign announcing its title. They had even stopped off at the Audie Murphy Memorial to pay their respects to the most decorated world war two vet, who had died near there in a plane crash decades ago. They saw no army soldiers trying to find them. The only thing apart from an ordinary hike was that they didn’t see any other hikers. It was as if they had the whole trail to themselves. Alone in the mountains to fend for themselves.

It was a Friday morning. The sky threatened rain as they walked up the blue-blazed trail back to the A.T. They turned onto the trail and continued their hike. 

The trail had a steady climb up the next ridge. There were lots of switchbacks to get up onto the ridge, then just a steady rise in elevation as they walked the crest. Near the top was the first of the Virginia Triple Crown. Dragons Tooth. A spire of rock rising up into the sky at the top of the ridge. As the hikers checked out the formation, a light drizzle started to fall. 

They found out the challenge of a technical trail as they descended from the pinnacle. The trail had become a vertical rock climb that required everyone to use four limbs to negotiate the rocky, steep pathway. When they finally got to the bottom, they came to a road. A small sign pointed up the road to the Four Pines Hostel. 

They had only walked about seven or eight miles so far that day, but they decided to head up to the hostel to see if there was a hiker box they could hopefully find some food in. 

They quickly walked up the quiet country road. The Hostel was actually a homestead of an eccentric old man who liked to give his hiker guests good-natured shit. As they walked up the driveway to the house, the old man came out of his house with a shotgun cradled under his arm. “You guys hikers?” He asked, his bushy eyebrows moving up and down with each word. His mouth lost in a bushy gray beard. 

“Yes, we are,” replied Fic. “We were just wondering if we could look through your hiker box for some food. It’s been really hard to find food for sale and we are starting to run a little low.”

“You’re welcome to take a look, but I’m not sure there is much in it. The Hostel is around back in the large garage. If you are looking for a bed tonight, I’m still open for business. Donation based of course.” 

They walked up to the garage/hostel and went inside. There was a large table to their right as they entered and beyond that a small bathroom. Next to the table was a mishmash of assorted sofas and chairs. The rest of the building was taken up by several bunk beds built from two by eight boards and plywood. Basic and rough, but under a roof and out of the still falling light rain. 

They found the hiker box and rummaged through it. The proprietor was right. The pickings were slim. They did find a few items to take, but it probably wasn’t enough to get them to Daleville, the next town they would walk through. 

As they sat inside, discussing whether to continue on or stay here for the night, The old man came walking into the building. He no longer had his shotgun, but an old dog followed him inside. 

“I’m Kyle,” the man said. “This is my place. You are welcome to spend the night.”

“We were thinking of doing just that, but we are all pretty low on cash and haven’t had any way to replenish our wallets as we have been moving north in this chaotic world,” Fic explained.

“I’m not so much worried about money. This is a time to help each other out. Are you going all the way? Still?” Kyle asked. 

“No, not all the way. We are all just trying to get home. I live in Northern Virginia, Brown Shades here is from PA, Class Room next to him is from New Jersey and Rodent Whisperer there is from Scotland. We haven’t figured out how he is going to get home yet.” Fic had pointed to each hiker as he introduced them. They each nodded as he stated their goals. 

“I’ll tell you what. We have a couple chickens we just butchered. My wife Lilly was thinking of frying them all up today. We will gladly feed you. We’ll figure out payment later. I have a few chores that might even get you some real hiker food instead of the pickings you just went through.”

The promise of a fresh, home cooked chicken dinner sealed the deal for The Party. “We will definitely accept that offer,” said Rodent Whisperer. “It will be good to do something besides walking all day. This short day is earned, I say.” He looked to Kyle to receive a job to do. “What can I do to earn that keep?” 

Kyle had a number of chores to do around the farm and the four hikers each were given something to do that wouldn’t get them too wet outside and would earn them a nice meal and a dry place to sleep for the night. 

They each claimed a bunk and set up their sleeping bags. Lilly served them a feast that had all of them sitting around the fire that Kyle had made outside the hostel. Feeling content for the time being. The rain had stopped while they were eating dinner inside. The surrounding farm dripped, and trickles of water ran down the hill, but nothing was coming out of the sky for now. 

Yuk came out and filled the air with soft tunes that melted into the air above the crackling fire. 

“This was a good idea,” Brown Shades said. “I do miss Gnobbit and Finn though.” Everyone nodded their agreement. They were still The Party, but the party had gotten smaller. 

Class Room had been a little different since leaving Pearisburg. Actually, her transition had happened after Tucker’s death. She had hardened. Killing him had helped her get over her slump from shooting Kirk. The anger she had felt as he had grabbed her, knowing what he had planned to do to Flo had made it easier to accept her role of ending his life. She was at peace with her current situation. No longer afraid to defend herself or protect the others. Kevin still accompanied her in her waistband. Never leaving her side. 

They slept well in the hostel as the rain returned during the night. In the morning, it had stopped once again, and the day dawned bright and fresh. 

Kyle brought a box of hiker food that he had kept in his house for just such an occasion. They once again filled their food bags with the provided food. 

“Your work yesterday was payment enough for your stay,” Kyle said. “Keep your heads low and stay safe.” 

The thanked Kyle and Lilly for the great hospitality and headed back to the trail. 

The first part of the day was very easy. They moved fast and came to a large parking lot where the trail crossed a road. They were approaching McAfee Knob. A famous place on the trail where a lot of people get their photo taken on a rock outcropping that looks precarious. 

When they walked through the parking lot, they noticed that a couple cars were in the parking lot. They wondered if they would finally see some other hikers on the trail today and if it would be a safe encounter if they did see some. 

They crossed the road and started up the climb that led to the overlook. The day was getting hotter, and they were pretty soaked with sweat when they reached the top. They hadn’t seen anyone on the way up, but when they walked out to the overlook, there were three women sitting at the rocks. They looked surprised to see hikers with backpacks and they stared at them and the weapons they were carrying. 

Fic tried not to look threatening. Lowering the shotgun and smiling towards the women. “Hello,” he said. The others with him smiled and nodded themselves.

The women relaxed a little seeing their friendliness and seeing Class Room with them helped even more. They approached the women and began to talk with them. 

They didn’t reveal a lot about themselves. Just that they were heading north. The women had come from Daleville. They said that things were fairly normal there. The army did come through every couple days, but they were mostly leaving them alone. The electricity was usually on and the stores were open during the day. 

Fic told them that they planned on hiking into town tomorrow and the women told them to come to the small convenience store at the gas station across the street from the Howard Johnson and next to the Pizza Hut. They would be able to help them out with some food and stuff. 

The Party thanked them profusely and started to head out. 

“Wait,” one of the women said. “Can I take your picture on the overhang?” 

“Sure,” all the hikers said together. 

They stood on the edge and of the rock ledge and the woman took their picture from across the cliff. She showed them the picture and asked for their email addresses, so she could send it to them. 

“You have Internet?” Class Room asked hopefully. 

“Well, not at the moment, but we are hoping that things will get back to normal before too long,” she said. “I’m Carol by-the-way. This is Lisa, and that’s Britney.” 

“My daughter’s name is Britney,” Fic said. A little sadness creeping into his voice. “She’s up in Northern Virginia. I’m hoping to get back there as soon as I can.” 

They wrote down their email addresses for the women and prepared to leave. 

“We’ll see you tomorrow,” Carol said. Smiling at the hikers who had just walked into her life. 

They walked along the ridge next to the last part of the Triple Crown, Tinker Cliffs. The drop off was impressive as the trail ran next to the edge. When the trail turned away from the cliffs, it started to head downhill. They walked a couple more miles and arrived at the Lambert Meadows Shelter. This would be their home for the night. 

Brown Shades hung his hammock down by the creek and the other three slept in the shelter. As darkness came to the campsite after dinner, they talked about what the town visit would be like tomorrow. Were things starting to get back to normal again where people could go out on day hikes and take pictures. The stores will be open tomorrow. Too bad their cash supply was still rather low. 

Meeting another Britney out here brought thoughts of home back into Fic’s mind. He wondered how his beautiful daughter was doing. He wondered how his whole family was doing.